Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ode to Saturday

It is Saturday, approaching 2PM. Which means in three hours, I will be freed. It's been a long two weeks since I got back from DC, I can't believe it has been so long! I've been recuperating, but obviously, not doing a very good job. Plunging into school the very day I got back from DC meant that I had little time for things other than the necessary. I had to schedule in my laundry to be done past 9PM because that was the only time I could fit it in. I still have work, and 6 classes, which actually keeps me running like a well-oiled machine.

Until today. Until this morning.

Last night I had the obscene idea that since I had been rising at 6:30 AM every morning since my return without much problems, I'd be able to do it today. I mean, not without alarm clocks of course. But a little voice inside me yelped that I didn't have to get up so early on Saturday, because work isn't until 10AM and I don't have a 8AM morning class or anything. I ignored the voice and proceeded to set all of my alarm clocks, 5 minutes a part as usual (6:30AM to 7AM).

I have a SpongeBob Squarepants™ alarm clock, a Sony radio alarm clock, two old Nokia phones I have around just to be used as alarm clocks, and my new Samsung D415 which has a function for three different alarms. So this way, each time an alarm rings, I'd get up, fetch the darned thing and turn it off and even if I go back to bed, another one goes off in 5 minutes. Repeat as necessary, and I should be up before 7AM. Well, this morning, I managed to jump up from bed, turn off all alarms in succession and slept in until 9:15AM. Yikes.

My fail-proof method of getting my ass out of bed failed miserably. Needless to say that I was late for work. I need a rest. I do. I know Christopher has called me a superwoman, because of all the crap I do. And I do think that I am capable of doing many things into my schedule, but these last few days, my schedule has been dragging my carcass behind it, and my schedule has been running tirelessly. Oy oh Boy I'm tired.

Today is one of the biggest days in Koreatown. The annual Korean Festival is here, and although it's been going on since Thursday, today is the major day. I've participated once, but it was enough for me. It is impossible to find parking! Basically it is a hodge podge of businesses, food vendors, and sometimes rides, with a slight carnivally feel. Sometimes major Korean celebrities fly out here to grace the stage -- I had the honor of seeing Kim Won-Jun (When he was famous) about three years ago, along with several other stars.

As a blogger, I should go and take photos with my fab camera and fab camera-phone, but I will skip it again this year, because it's just crazy. You can't hoard in half of Koreatown on a tiny block that is a makeshift park (originally Ardmore park, I believe, which is now called Koreatown park or something like that). I'm going home at 5PM, pet my kitty, and get in bed and read some textbooks until they lull me to sleep. Yep, that's the good life.


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