The Business of Sunday
I went to bed rather early this morning, about 2AM. Needless to say that I got a pretty late start on the day, since I got up about 9 AM-ish. I managed to drag myself out of bed and made my way to the apartment complex's gate where the LA Times gets dropped off. There are times when I would have felt the necessity to actually wash the eye-crusties out and tame my beastly hair, as well as adorn the lower half of my body with something other than a pair of boxer shorts, when leaving the sanctity provided by my apartment. However, seeing as how my paper is frequently stolen or left decimated by the hands of fowl neighbors, I really can't afford to waste another minute to self-groom before dashing out and retrieving it.
My neighbors sure are early risers. Thankfully, the neighbor(s) who are prone to stealing my paper didn't get a chance to swipe it yet; but a family was congregating in the open middle area of my building, it seems, in preparation to leave for church. They were gussied up in ties and slacks, and looked at me in horror, as I slithered downstairs, in the clothes I had slept in, in the hair I had slept in. I wore a T that used to be a really crisp burgundy color -- key words being "used to be" -- and it had numerous holes in it due to several wrestling sessions with Nabee. The boxer shorts are the ones my mom had purchased for my brother, but they were a size too small and I ended up wearing them. It has that nice opening, slightly below where the belly button would be, and the hole teases, by giving slight glimpse of what is underneath the cloth, as I walk. Sometimes they just open agape, but that's another story. I am the female equivalent of the ultimate male slob.
I had on my glasses, but much like a just-born puppy, couldn't get my eyes open. Thankfully, I don't need much of my vision when making my way downstairs, as I am quite familiar with the area, and I am fully capable of maneuvering my way. I was squinting at the brightness of the day which had nearly reached noon. My jaw dropped, exposing my oral cavity to the world, as I broke into a stretched out yawn. And that's when they saw me. Those eyes, staring at me in unison, without blinking, without turning away. What can I do? I just grumbled, "good morning" and pretended everything to be normal, grabbed my paper, and casually walked back to my apartment, and then slapped myself in the forehead for making such a fool of myself.
So that was my morning.
After lunch, my family sat down and had my brother's birthday cake which I bought yesterday. It was a white cake with white cream and decorated with fruits -- strawberry, mandarines, kiwis, pineappes. Then I finally had my first cup of coffee and watched Korean videos with my mom. Then my coworker Shane called and we went to the mall. It was packed with Type A shoppers, who were viciously scavengering for the bargains of the Columbus Day Weekend sales.
Macy's cosmetic department was having a promotion -- gift with purchase. What woman in her right mind can resist a GWP? A GWP! The advertising executives for Lancome and Estee Lauder and the like hit a gold mine with that very concept. Because a woman, will purchase something, for the GWP. As I always do. I have more make ups
from GWPs than I have from the ones I actually purchased. Today was no exception. I bought a luxurious Lancome cleanser, one I had been eyeing for nearly a year.
After strolling around the shopping center, we called it a day and split. I came home, called up Tony Romas ($5 coupon from the Sunday paper -- now you see why I absolutely MUST get that paper in the morning!) and ordered two dinners, one for me, one for my mom, and we proceeded to have a hearty meal, probably more than enough for two bigfoots, and promised each other that we will re-start the weight-loss regimen tomorrow.
Now it is 10PM. It is only now that it struck me -- I must write the English paper on the two Shakespearean comedies, Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing, and read at least half of Richard III, and start on the research paper for the political science class, learn the statistically related functions on a graphing calculator, read a chapter of the philosophy text and do the homework, and those are just school related items! Yikes. Why is it that I procrastinate so much work to be done on Sunday night?
It would be fabulous, if, for once, I can spend Sunday playing catch-up and sleep early, so that I can start Monday feeling just a bit less stressed. At this rate, I will feel like the week will plow through me like a full-speed train on its tracks! Now, I will sleep late tonight because of all the school work I have to do, and will have to get up Monday morning earlier so I can do more work, and then go to class, then work, and then the night class, and when I come home at 10PM after class, instead of relaxing and having a light dinner, I will have to finish up essays and whatnot for Tuesday, and so on and so forth! I am just hoping that because tomorrow's Columbus Day, people will think we are closed and the workday will be relatively quiet... relatively quiet, because quiet for my line of work is something close to the apocalypse for somebody else.
Well, instead of blogging, I should have gotten back to work. But again, procrastination is in my blood. Eeeeek~ Well, better hit the books now.
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