Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I have just started enjoying gostop again. This time, at www.sayclub.com. or .net. I can't remember. After winning 100000 won (equivalent to 100 dollars, approximately), although it is all fake money, I felt good. I am renewing my addiction for the game...

I watched "Bringing Down the House," a comedy with Queen Latifah and Steve Martin. It was pretty funny. Although the previews and commercials on TV pretty much gave away eveyrthing about the film, it was still an enjoyable hour and half. Several movies I have TRIED to watch but just COULDN'T: Adaptation, and The Hours. Seriously. What is that all about? I watched more than half of Adaptation, but had no clue what the point of the film was about. And The Hours, something about Virginia Woolf, and again, had no clue where the film was going with. Both have Meryl Streep, if that has anything to do with it. I don't know... maybe it's just something so sophisticated that it's beyond my comprehension.

I have recently signed up for Friendster, and it is rather interesting. Although I have yet to have found someone that I know. If it wasn't for Kev who recommended me to the damn site, I would have been an island, with no connections whatsoever. It's not a good feeling to know that you are isolated, unable to be contacted by anyone, even if it is just some website, way, way out in cyberland. I just have to keep reminding myself, "it's NOT real~!"


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