Wednesday, January 28, 2004

My blog is wonderful.

There is a side of me that loves art and other free-spirited things in life. That is why designing my own blog is such a great experience. I get to have fun with layout, graphics, font sizes... and colors, oh so many colors! And it's not permanent, like painting a purple cat. I mean, if I painted a purple cat, what are the odds that I'd be able to change it to orange? My blog can go from pink to blue in a second. I first fell in love with layouts and templates when I was on my HS yearbook staff. I actually went to a summer camp for that class. I was supposed to be co-editor-in-chief or something to that extent, so mainly I had to go to leadership training sessions, but I did get a good first dose in making layouts. If you think about it, pretty much everything is geographical and spatial. And all of that "pretty much everything" looks even better when it's placed on a blue print. Just cuz it can be on one.

I still have my trusty photo cropper. It looks like two giant rulers that are bent at 90 angles. I guess the actual plastic version of how photographers use their thumbs and index fingers to see what a potential photo might look like. I learned what a trapped/dead white space was and how dangerous that is. So on my blog, I have no dead space. I love margins. I'm not a revolutionary nor do I like living on the edge. Having photos and text securely locked away, an inch away from the actual borders of the page makes me feel snuggly inside. But these days many magazine layout people like to have photos and text just bleeding directly from the edge to the inside of the page. It's just tasteless. Like the photo spilled onto the edge of the page.

Yes, despite that it is very nerdy and uncool, when I read magazines, I also look at the layouting of the page. There's always something I could learn. When I was first rejected from major uni's, I thought of going into journalism (drifting away from my original goal to be an MD) and joining the staff of Cosomopolitan or Glamour, and perhaps becoming a section editor. I'd read and approve all articles, and manage the layouts of the page, hand pick photos, etc. etc. It sounded amazing at the time, and sometimes it still does. Of course it's not exactly humanitarian work that I want to/plan to do. I guess it would still make a fabulous plan B, in case laboring in Zimbabwe with no pay doesn't work out for me. Imagine -- I'd get first dibs on Jimmy Choo's shoes, Louis Vuitton bags, Vera Wang gowns, and work make-up magic with Bobbi Brown. Sounds like heaven is all too close by.


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