Friday, March 12, 2004

In times like this, I am ashamed to be part of a race of savages. This is a short clip of what went on in the Korean Congress, over the impeachment of the current president. The current president is very well loved by the people, and 70% of the population (approximate) are against the impeachment. In congress, 197 votes were for the impeachment, and 2 were against, with about 40 who "boycotted." So in this country, congress doesn't represent the people. Not only that, they resort to fighting physically. Throwing things such as chairs, grabbing another rep by their neck tie, pushing and shoving, and more. It's a disgrace to have the whole world see these things happen through actual footages. Short, stout, bald men and a few women, in black power-suits, throwing chairs around! It's a freakin' circus.

Some more photos from Yahoo News:

There's a candlelight vigil going on now, as there are in Spain for the 199 who died yesterday in the terrorist bombings. The theme? Can't we all just get along?


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