Friday, April 30, 2004

Brilliant Idea!

I'm sure y'all had one "Eureka!" moment or another, when a light bulb suddenly flashed in your head, and you find a fab solution for a problem. I had such an epiphany today, on the drive home.

I spoke to my lawyer's assistant/secretary/legal aide (what is her title? I don't know!) and found that my lawyer has yet to have an update for me on my current uncomfortable immigration situation. Since the whole situation is looking rather dim, I started to turn the wheels in my head and started thinking. As you all may know, marriage to a citizen is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get yourself a green card in the US. However, I have already indicated that I refuse to debase my moral standards.

I started to think, or imagine, actually. I started thinking about what if I just decided to get married. I mean, Korean people of marry-able age often meet other eligible bachelors and bachelorettes through a matchmaker. It is very common, in fact, and you will find that many Koreans of the older generation married this way. It's not all that popular nowadays, but it still goes on. I imagined that I would meet this man, who only came because he was pressured by his parents. Despite the fact that he is gorgeous looking, he is still single, because he is gay, which his parents do not know. He wants to get his parents off his back, but does not want to go through the whole "coming-out" process. I mean, having Korean parents who are anxious for you to get married is anguish enough!

Well, then my rational side started to kick in and questioned: why would this gay man want to go through the whole charade? I mean, getting married is much more of a hassle than staying single. What would be his incentive? So I invented one. This man would have a gay lover. They have been together for some time and wanted to start a family. However, adoption laws have made it difficult for gay parents to adopt a child. His incentive for marrying me would be to use the marriage as a ploy to adopt a child. When a child gets adopted, and I get my green card, we would go our merry little ways.

But wait! Is that really a happy ending? Who knows if I'll ever have children? This adopted child may be the closest thing to an offspring that I'll ever have! So I daydreamed that my gay ex-husband and his lover, the adopted child and myself, would live happily ever after as the ultimate dysfunctional American family.

That is when I realized that this is not a sound plan; it was an outline for a soon-to-be-a-hit-movie novel that I may or may not write. Plus, I don't know any gay people. Yes, oddly enough, I have never come across one at a personal level -- I have heard of gay people. I'm sure they exist somewhere, but for some reason, they have chosen not to enter my realm. For a good reason too, I mean, who would even think up these kooky plans? And I am positive that I have insulted more than a few members of the gay community because I am just so not PC**. Ugh! Is it ok to say gay? Or is it homosexual? And is "gay lover" a correct term? Or should I just say "his boyfriend?" I can't write this novel unless I can actually know gay people and get comfortable with that whole thing. How can I write a story with a prominent gay character when I myself don't even know one? It would be like a nun trying to write a porn screen play.

Interesting gay men in the area, you can e-mail me via the link on your left. Perhaps my dream can come true. (Yup, it is every gal's dream to marry a gay man!)

**If I have in any way offended anyone reading, please remember that me no speak English, and I just lack the finesse of being polite... I did not in any way mean to offend or make fun of or anything like that. I'm just not PC, that's all. I'm a blunt dull blade. Forgive me.


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