Monday, April 26, 2004

Naver Account Set-Up Complete!

My registration with is now complete! I can make a "cafe" or start a blog, or both! The best thing about these sites in Korea, is that there are so many great sites on education. Korea is one country that values education with the utmost importance, if that makes sense. Of course there are other countries too, but Korea especially. I think part of it is that the country is still relatively a difficult place to live -- there is no American Dream. To dream that a person of modest upbringing, especially a woman, can become a CEO or someone rich or influential or famous, is utterly foolish. So competition is fierce -- you have to fight to maintain middle class status. So obviously, education is stressed heavily. Unfortunately, it does lead to many kids jumping off of buildings from too much stress.

I found a plethora of sites that hold genuine interest and efforts in learning a new language. Mostly English, but plenty of ones dedicated to learning/teaching Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, and so on. I've already registed with a few Spanish ones and one French. It's motivating to find people who are so dedicated to learning a new language. These people, in their free time, are actually participating in blogs and cafes on the internet to learn more. That's truly inspiring.

I browsed a bit, and eventually landed on this riddle. If you can read Spanish, you can read it and try to solve the problem! It took me a while to solve it... my math skills have seriously deteriorated...

Van tres amigos a cenar a un restaurante. Despues de la cena, al pedir la cuenta, es donde viene el 'sarao'. > Amigos : Camarero... nos saca la cuenta, por favor. > Camarero : Son 30 euros, caballeros. Y cada uno de ellos pone 10 euros. Cuando el camarero va a poner el dinero en caja, lo ve el jefe y le dice: > Jefe : No, esos son amigos mios. Cobrales solo 25 euros. El camarero se da cuenta que si devuelve los 5 euros puede haber 'follon' para repartirlos y decide lo siguiente: > Camarero : Ya esta. Me quedare 2 euros y les devuelvo 3, uno para cada uno. Les devuelve a cada uno 1 euro. Ahora es cuando viene el follon. Si cada uno puso 10 euros y les devuelven 1euro, realmente puso cada uno de ellos 9 euros. 9 x 3 = 27 euros. Si a?adimos los dos que se queda el camarero, = 29 euros...................... DONDE ESTA EL OTRO PUTO EURO ???

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