Friday, April 23, 2004

I Thought I was an Uber-Geek...

But Apparently, I was wrong. now has a metric clock, in addition to the binary clock. How cool is that? I never understood why the heck a minute has 60 seconds and an hour has 60 minutes, and yet there are 24 hours in a day. I was supposed to have learned to add and subtract time (e.g. if Sally has 5 hours left until bed time. She spends 1 hour and 38 minutes doing her laundry and 2 hours and 16 minutes reading. How much time does she have to finish an on-line course on brain surgery?) in the 2nd grade, but I just couldn't do it. I was always a fabulous student at math (until Calculus II hit me like a brick wall) but that was difficult. It still takes a while for me to figure out times -- sometimes I have to do it for eBay, to check when the auction ends, and how much time I have until it does. And I can never calculate that without a clock. It also took me months to figure out, if every other month has 31 days, how come July AND August have 31 days? I remember my mom getting extremely frustrated, even though she is as patient and kind as Mother Teresa, because it took me so long to understand the concept of time. I suppose some things are still beyond my capacity to understand. I'll have to retract my self-proclaimed uber-geek status.

In my Wednesday evening English Literature class, we were supposed to have a quiz. I got to class about 5 minutes late or so, and we were watching a film (normally, quizzes are done first thing in class). I asked the guy behind me if we are still having the quiz. He said that the instructor had postponed it. I asked him, "is it postponed till Thursday or next Tuesday?" He gave me a very puzzled look and asked, "what?" I repeated what I said several times, and he said in a very confused tone, "we only have this class on Wednesday." Then I slapped my forehead. It was a Wednesday night class, once a week. I had confused it with my other Tues. Thurs. classes -- I've been out of touch with reality. I don't know if it is stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, too much work, or a combination of those things, but I've been walking around like a zombie. I've also made a fool out of myself on several occasion because of my zombie condition.

I was reading this month's Cosmopolitan. There was a lil section about how women have so much stress. One example gave a woman who puts in 50 hours of work a week, as a model example for stress. Ha! I said. Per week, I spend 35 hours at work. I also spend 15 hours a week in class. Then I put in even more hours doing school work. I also work out three times a week, and keep a rather active blog. And I still watch a lot of TV. Please. 50 hours of work is like vacation! My current schedule is toned down from my previous insane situations, where I used to work 30 hours as a waitress, and 40 hours a week as a secretary, and took evening courses part time. Now that was busy. That was stressful.

Overworking myself always seem to expand my potential as a human being. It is like squeezing a 25 hour activity into a 24 hour day, and just that extra hour I squeezed in somehow makes me a super being. When I think about going to graduate school, or working as a medical resident, I'm not worried. 60-80 hour work week schedules don't scare me one bit. Just give me enough time to do my laundry, and I should be fine. Plus, there are always vacations and off days and holidays. I can rest when I die. But sometimes, like all this month, I just crave a vacation. Not even a super long one, but just something like a three day weekend would do. I don't ask for much. Oh well. Perhaps I'll get Memorial Day off. Well, this supergal is finally ready to turn in for the night.


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