Monday, May 17, 2004

Sage Wasabi

The Sage Wasabi -- Coming Soon

As I've said numerous times, I have been contemplating on setting up a new blog that I would keep solely for writing purposes. Not that I don't do enough writing on this blog, but I wanted a blog where I'll write more constructively, about concrete things like literary criticism or political editorial, or perhaps fiction, although that's not too likely. I had set one up with Blogger more than a month ago, but I didn't like where I put it (in reference to URL). Of course, since I am using blogger for free, I only get a subdomain of, but even that, I wanted something that felt good to me.

First I went through a series of play-on-words using wordsmith. That is my address at Gmail, and since I work with words to make blocks of texts, I figured I could be called a wordsmith. Then I felt very vain. So I went through an alcoholic state, jumping from alcohol to alcohol, and finally landing on midori sour, which is one of my favorite alcoholic beverages. But then, naming my blog after an alcohol didn't sound right. Prohibition kicked in, and I did some quality thinking.

I wanted something that was a statement on its own. I wanted something .... something that would provoke an "Eureka!" So I began thinking... and I eventually got hungry and started thinking of sushi. One of the best parts of eating sushi and sashimi is the wasabi. It's a zing. It's a zap. It's green, it looks like clay, but even a tiny dosage can make your nose feel like a bee stung it and make your eyes well up with hot tears. It's spicy but not like a jalapeno. It's got character. But I couldn't just call my blog a wasabi. It needed an adjective to make it unique-r. I thought about super wasabi and then strong wasabi, and it just hit me: Sage Wasabi.

Sage is one of my fav words. And I know to y'all it sounds odd, but "sage wasabi" sounds like yin and yang just came together. I want to convey some wisdom through my writings -- I also want to cause a commotion -- cause a zing and a zap. And what's better than wasabi? It can make a grown man cry! It would also symbolize my hopes to move people to tears with my writing. (Of course I wouldn't subject readers to some sappy tragic romance, because that's just not my thing.) I hope that doesn't sound too vain. It's just an earnest hope that my writing skills would grow.

So there you have it. The Sage Wasabi. Coming soon to a blog near you. Expected launch date is set whenever this thing with the nursing department and immigration is settled -- I'm thinking Late Junish. (Yes, it is a lot of hype for something so small that's coming so far off. But like I said, I want to cause a commotion...)


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