Thursday, May 13, 2004

Term Paper Finished

I finished the term paper on The Aeneid and The Odyssey. I made a good outline and although I did go over the word limit by 300 words, I don't feel half bad about it. Here's the beginning of the essay:

The Odyssey of Homer and The Aeneid of Virgil are prime examples of Greek and Roman literature, respectively. Both tales address the theme of a journey, written in classic epic structure: beginning in medias res, grand battle scenes, love affairs, and supernatural intervention. Both journeys take place shortly after the Trojan War, and both Odysseus and Aeneas, spend many years completing their journeys. While the two epics are nearly parallel in structure and similar in culture, The Odyssey presents a tale that feels closer to our world by several factors: the motivation of its creation by the author, the motivation for the hero to complete the journey, and the obstacles encountered by the hero and how he deals with them. When one considers the challenges and concerns of twenty-first century life, The Odyssey is more relevant to modern times than The Aeneid.

The final sentence, which is, I guess the thesis, is not my own words. The instructor gave the thesis which we were to use, verbatim, as a thesis.

I am tired. I went to bed half past two AM, and work up near the crack of dawn. My body can't function on so little sleep, and by tonight, it will inevitably start signs of going haywiring (stuttering, jitteriness, etc). After the discussion last night about Milton's Paradise Lost I'd like to write some stuff about it, but for the moment, it is just too much. Please, just one epic at a time!

I called the nursing department a little while ago, and the person who answered said that the letters of acceptance (or denials) will be sent out "before the end of May." He just could NOT give an approximate time. So, here I'll be, writhing in tortuous pain for another possibly three weeks. Oh goody.


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