Friday, June 25, 2004

We're All Gonna Die!

We're All Gonna Die!

We are.

We will all perish, and cease to exist. I don't have too much of a problem with death. That's pretty much fine and dandy, and although not a fantastic thought, I've accepted it as an integral part in a person's life. You're born, you'll die. All good things must come to an end, right?

Well, as I have said, I don't have a problem with death. What I have a problem with, is that I will cease being. I will be no more. That bothers me. That I can't continue to think and express and feel -- what happens to all my soul when I am dead? Is my soul just something created by dendrites releasing neurotransmitters into other synaptic vesicles and whatnot (I did poorly on the nervous system section in my anatomy/physiology class -- looks like I need a refresher course, so don't count on my being correct)that just ceases to fire when my heart stops functioning and my body goes kaput? I refuse to believe that.

I guess then the only answer would exist once I dive into some religion, as most religions teach the existence of an afterlife, whether reincarnation, heaven, purgatory, or hell, something happens after you die. You don't just vanish into thin air. I have a hard time believing that I can simply be just annhilated. A 100 years is a long a time, but very short for a lifetime, and just a lucky few of us will reach that even. So knowing all this, and feeling this way ... where do I go from here?


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