Tuesday, October 26, 2004


In the words of Sheri Oteri, I have "Simmer Down Now." I don't know how I could have survived last night without the quart of chocolate ice cream in my freezer. Thank goodness for chocolate ice cream!

I am getting really tired of one of my instructors. I honestly think that he likes to hear himself talk and it makes him feel important. If students are just listening to him, he says, "I honestly don't know how you guys are going to take the final. You should be taking notes." He expects his students to dote on each and every word, recording them down in notes in detail. He also goes out of his way to prove that the media is not liberally biased, and that Ann Coulter is wrong. Hmm. I am not quite sure that everything we are learning in class is sticking to the class descriptions as stated in the college catalogue. He also lost my exam (thus delaying my score) and he said that it was probably in another pile of exams. It turned out to be true, and he did find the exam later, but he failed to apologize for the error. It didn't turn out to be a grave mistake, but if he hadn't found it, it would have caused some serious problems. Well, that's that. And I'm not in a good mood, although not quite as ranting and raving like last night, so I'm not going to be kind in my criticisms of anything.

I am rather late to be searching for additional schools to apply to -- especially for the winter/spring semesters. Perhaps for next fall, which means I will be delaying my education for yet another semester. I have vowed to myself to remain a cynic until proven (PROVEN, not persuaded) otherwise. I am reminded of Murphy's Law. That is the only law that runs my life -- anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Yep. What can I do about it? Nothing. I'll just have to live with it. (Sigh) Anyone wanna trade lives?


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