Thursday, November 18, 2004

Hooked on the iPod but...

I was practically joined at the hip with my iPod. We truly bonded this afternoon, but then I realized, I have to get back to the real world and take an exam in nutrition. Exam on the wholesome goodness of vitamins and minerals -- we're covering weight loss in the next two weeks, so those of you with questions, you know where to direct them!

I longed to get back to the iPod after the exam, but then I realized that I had to have dinner, and I absolutely have to watch ER, as it is one of the few remaining television shows I watch nowadays. So I watched ER, and now I'm back with the 'pod. Is it too soon to refer to my iPod as the 'pod?. Currently listening to... Coldplay's album titled "Parachutes."

Transferring my music files to my iPod made me realize something. I have an eclectic taste in music. And it's just totally unexpected. I don't know if everyone's music files are as oddly diverse. I have things that are just the cheesiest K-pop and things like Coldplay, Modest Mouse, Chopin, Josh Groban, Thelonious Monk, Yo Yo Ma, Enya, George Michael, U2, Britney Spears, Eminem, Ludicrous (I know it's spelled differently but I just prefer to spell it correctly!), Pink, Love Story sound track, Les Miserables sound track, Craig David, Clay Aiken, Elvis Presley, Eric Satie, Gabriel Faure, and more. Ok. One thing I don't have much of is country. And perhaps punk and heavy metal. But I make up for those with classical baroque!

Well, better get to sleep now. Looks like I'm not going to have a problem getting off the computer tonight -- it's just going to be hard to turn the iPod off!


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