Sunday, November 14, 2004

My Blog is a Book

These days I frequently read my own blog. It's interesting. I see that column of links to my weekly archives, and click on a random one, and see what I had blogged that week. As y'all may know, I've written well over 200,000 words which adds up to nearly 700 posts, and I've been doing this for close to two years now (second anniversary on February 1!), so there's plenty to read.

I am always astonished by what I find -- I know I wrote them myself, but my blog is practically proof that people change over time. Like, for example, why did I pick out baby names for my future children, if I don't plan on having children at all (possibly)? I know it's just my thoughts now and that could change, but I'm not too excited about being a mom anytime in the next, say, 10 years.

There there was that time my work got burglarized. I remember that morning when I walked into work, so vividly, and it springs back into my mind everytime I lock up to go home. That week, I was so traumatized, I just blogged once in the whole week!

A lot of things have happened in the last two years that I've blogged about -- my blog isn't quite like the Diary of Anne Frank or anything of that caliber, but it's an important chronicle detailing the happenings of my life. It could very well function as the raw material for my autobiography. I'll be compiling my autobio when I become important and famous -- if Hillary can write one, and if Madeline Albraight can write one, and if even Bill can write one -- so can I.

I yelled at myself again today. Because I spent the entire day web-surfing, when I really should have studied for tomorrow's Philosophy exam, Tuesday's English exam and political science exam. Now I'm sleepy and tired and want to go to bed! I make myself sick like that. I scolded myself on not reading -- since my computer came back to life, I stopped reading. I can't believe that it takes a dead computer to get me to crack open and read! But I did barely finish "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown -- I'm just at the epilogue. I think the first 2/3 of the book is exciting as hell and just sooooo unexpected and so thrilling, but the rest was so-so. The final ending twist was nothing short of miraculous though, but I did guess right about Sophie Neveu -- I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just stop there. But I think it's definitely worth the hype and worth the time to read. I'm moving onto Dan Brown's other book, Angels and Demons, which features the same main character, Robert Langdon.

Robert Langdon is just sooooo Harrison Ford. You can just see the resemblance. Of course, Harrison Ford may be too old to play Robert Langdon in the movie version (I hear they're working on making a movie out of the novel), unless he can somehow go back about 10-20 years or so. But very Indiana Jones-y. I love Indiana Jones (here we go digressing again). He's smart, he's educated, he's passionate about his work, and his courageous and brave, AND he's sexy and just slightly rugged! I don't need a prince charming --I want my Indiana Jones. I'm not easily swooned like this -- I must be getting a tad lonely in my old, decrepit age. I let out a deep sigh every time Tinka or Toni use the word "boyfriend" in their blogs. I'm gettin' old.

Well, it's that time again (to sleep). I'm going to need a crobar to pry myself away from my computer -- ever since it was revived, I have been just completely glued to it! Practically joined at the head/monitor. I'm on the verge of crawling inside it, so I better just turn it off and jump in bed while I'm still sane. Nighty night.


At 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh... love this post!

At 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

по моему мнению: восхитительно!! а82ч


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