Monday, November 15, 2004


The Blogger interface comes in multiple languages now, including French and Korean and more!

I'm having one of the most horrific days ever.

If you visited my site earlier and could not see the images, I apologize. I get free bandwidth from and I exceeded my limits due to a massive explosion of traffic (well, what's massive to me is miniscule to many), images were not showing. They should be showing now.

I am re-evaluating my life, especially on the outlooks of marriage; perhaps it wouldn't be so vile. As long as my hubby-to-be isn't a beer-guzzling lunatic; there's only room for one beer-guzzling lunatic in a marriage, and that's going to be me!

My fabulous iPod is set for arrival on Wednesday. Toni notified me that some new wireless iPod is in the making, but I think I'm satisfied with my purchase. I was dumbfounded with the release of the iPod photo which comes with a color LCD and the ability to view photos, but it was much too expensive, and I don't need that much hard drive space when even my desktop computer has less space! I honestly don't even think that I have over 5 gigs of music/audio files.

My decision to purchase the pearly white iPod over the iPod Mini in pink was mostly for status. An iPod is a status symbol, and as a status symbol, the white reigns supreme. Also, I will be listening to my Pimsleur's French, which actually ends up being nearly 3 gigs. Also, my brother kept singing in my ears that I'll regret it if I get the pink because I'll get tired of its color. Which, actually, is completely untrue, because I love the color pink and I'll never get tired of that color. It's the ultimate feminine color and there is just no way to downplay that. Anyways. I got the 4G iPod 20GB, and that's what's coming on Wednesday. It will join my Canon S400 digital camera as two of my most cherished possessions -- my car being number one possession, and my computer being second. I think my camera and the iPod can comfortably share third place.

Is it weird that I rank my personal appliances? I just do it so that when there's some disaster (i.e. earthquake or terrorist attack or anything in between), I'll know what to take with me on the run. Of course, if there's no time to save my computer or iPod or camera or car, I'll just have to grab my kitty and go, because push comes to shove, nothing beats a living, purring companion. But if time permits, I'll grab Nabee, throw her into the car, gently place my computer (as it doesn't always land on its feet as my cat does) and the remaining items in order of their ranks. Sure, it's weird, but at least I'll be spending my last twelve hours during the apocalypse listening to my favorite tunes with my cat. What would you do?

Trans fat is bad for you. Avoid it at all cost.

Most of my classmates in my political science class are too young to remember who Paula Jones is. Which means, I'm getting old.

I was supposed to register for Winter semester classes. I completely forgot.

Shrek 2 is one of the rare movies that is just as good, if not better, than the first film.

I started on my first (and possibly last) novel this month. I was so horrified by my product that I deleted it permanently off my computer. I think it's the first time I've allowed myself to delete/destroy/throw away anything, as I am the queen of all pack rats. It was quite refreshing.

I need a drink.


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