Saturday, November 06, 2004

What am I writing about?

I was looking at the map and looking through all the cities that I may possibly want to live in someday. (continuation of the daydream from yesterday) And I realized something: all the places I want to live are in blue states (DC, Chicago, SF & SD), and all the places I'd hate to live (Nebraska/Mississippi anybody?) are in red states. Coincidence? I think not.

One thing for sure is that I'm never living in Texas. NEVER. It's not just because of Bush, as I did prefer Papa Bush over Bill. For some odd reason, all the people with whom I've had negative relationships -- evil boyfriends from hell, devious members of the extended family, among other people. I don't know why, but all either have lived in Texas (not temporarily, either -- most have spent at least a decade living in Texas) or currently reside in Texas. I think it's just that the damned state is hot as HELL, and therefore producing people with a hellish nature.

One dude I knew way back was from Texas. He was an okay person, but he was a druggie. He lied, he stood me up, he disappeared, he came back, then disappeared again, and then showed up again later, and lied some more and disappeared again. Drugs are evil people. Just say no.

Another guy I was introduced to by a mutual friend, ended up dumping me to marry another woman. YAY. Currently resides in Dallas with his lovely wife. He literally got married less than half a year of dumping yours truly.

Then I have some evil family members (I cannot believe I am related to them) who gives less shit than my cat poos in a day about me. So TEXAS, you'll never have me.

There are other vile people living in Texas of whom I am painfully aware, but I won't talk about them now. Sometimes I kid and say that I banish all my foes to the state of Texas. Come on -- highest rate of capital punishment execution? It's the perfect state to banish people.

I can't even remember what the point I was trying to make today. Maybe I'll feel more sane later.


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