Friday, December 05, 2003

Have you been unhappy?

Sad, yes. Mad, angry, yes, yes. Unhappy is different from being mad or sad or whatevers. It simply means not happy. You can be in a happy state when you're mad or sad. Those are both healthy emotions.

Right now I am unhappy. Like discontent. Like... the word "blah." I did some yoga, and now my unhappiness is centered completely. Which, by the way, isn't a good thing! I wouldn't consider myself a depressed person. I am cynical at times and judge the world without batting an eyelash. I like to do what I want when I want and how I want, and I do. I really do. I'll buy something I'll never use, because I want it. If you ask me if you're fat, and you are, then I won't hesitate to tell you so. If you're fat, I'm sure you know it. It would be crazy of you to think that I won't know that you're fat. So now we're good -- you know, and I know, and you know that I know. And being so brutally honest in my way of life is part of my contentment. But right now, I feel like I'm in a loose straight-jacket. Not a tight one that obviously restricts my freedom, but a loose one. I feel fine now, but when I try to move, then I start to notice that I can't.

Have you asked yourself whether you are happy or not? Not just having a good day because you got some compliments from co-workers, had a tasty yet non-fattening lunch, had plenty of time to take a brisk walk, got commended for doing a good job in whatever it is that you do, or you had a good hair day. Being happy is not about whether or not you find satisfaction in the factors in your life. It's a state of mind, I guess, and although it can be influenced by such factors, it's mostly a higher than average secretion of serotonin and like neurotransmitters. So are you happy today?


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