Friday, January 16, 2004

Funny story.

There is this man who owns a store right by where I work. I met him on my way to the elevator in the morning at my work building. He is an elderly man, not too old, but probably about Grampa Simpson's age -- about 60-65. He asked me where I worked, and I told him, being the polite person that I am. He proceeded to ask me about his cellular service, as all people do after finding out my occupation. He wanted to know how much it would cost him to add another line. I asked him with what company he has service. He paused, evidently it was a difficult question for him. A good 10 seconds later (which is basically eternally long when inside an elevator with a person like this man) he answered my question.

"I have a Nike."

I really had to hold in my laughter. I looked at him funny, and he looked back at me equally funnily, as though he was amazed that I didn't know what a Nike was. Later he corrected himself, by saying that he actually had a "Nokia" and not a "Nike."


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