Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Oh yes, before I forget.

I heard something on the radio today that I really must write down here.

Remember that when you are pointing your finger at someone, that three of your own fingers are pointed at you.

And that is very true. Just try it. You extend the index finger and fold the remaining three fingers (excluding the thumb, of course) and it turns out that those three fingers are pointing at you. I guess the moral to that is, before you start blaming or looking down at others, look introspectively to see if you are doing anything wrong. Even the Bible says "let he without sin cast the first stone" or something like that -- I'm paraphrasing. So people. Before you point your fingers at anyone else, whether it is to blame, or to snub, or to criticize, whether it be your dog, your pal, your brother/sister, remember that saying.


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