I don't know how to place links for individual posts. But click here and scroll to the post dated February 4th, 2003 for reference.
"E" used to work at my store for about a month or so, until he mysteriously disappeared. He finally reappeared at a local Cingular store, with whom we do much business. I can't believe that he had the audacity to show up at such a place. He's a strange strange and confused boy. But that's about it.
I'm not feeling well at all. I thought I'd be dead by New Years, but here I am, still blogging. Y a y. It's the miracle for which I had hoped. I was wretching and throwing up as I heard fireworks and people cheering in the neighboring areas. Talk about ringing in the New Years celebration. And the vomiting was not induced by heavy drinking! I wasn't able to eat a thing yesterday other than some strange tasting pho for lunch. I just had a few slurps of the noodle. I had nothing afterwards until near 11PM, when my stomach was turning and I felt that it was because my stomach had been so empty for an extended period of time. I needed to take some Dayquil, but I knew I shouldn't take stuff like that on an empty stomach. I didn't feel like eating, but did crave something sweet and juicy, easy to swallow, so I cut myself a small-sized apple and ate about three-quarters of the thing, when I started to feel nauseated. I quickly swallowed the two soft-gel pills of Dayquil (shiny orangy beads they are!) and went to bed, hoping that sleep would send every nasty feeling I had, away. Well, I couldn't keep it down. I spent an hour or two coughing before I finally fell asleep. I woke up feeliing very thirsty and hungry, and had some fish sticks for breakfast. Yummy, huh? My mother's up now and we're going to have ¶±±¹. (dduk-gook -- it's a Korean soup that is traditionally eaten on New Year's breakfast. Consists of a hot soup with little clumps made from rice and flour -- what is commonly called rice cakes, but it's not sweet. There's many kinds. It's hard to explain, as many ethnic stuff are.) I can feel the yummy yummy hot soup trickling down my throat, sloooooowly bringing the flu virus to its knees and killing it for good.
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