Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I love Blogger. It's fabulous, friendly, and above all, it is free. But recently I've encountered that anyone who's anybody in the blogosphere utilizes Movable Type. Frankly, I have no clue as to what it is, but it seems to be somehow related to Typepad. Well, regardless, I went straight to the source. I found its description a bit arcane -- mystical, difficult, and definitely beyond my blogging abilities. I saw that a lot of bloggers actually purchased blog templating services, such as Blog Moxie (to lazy to post links, please excuse). They had fantastic looking skins. Although I am still very proud of mine, I was definitely impressed and fascinated by the professionals' work.

I'm drifting off topic again! Well, while I truly love Blogger and all the freedom it encompasses, I found a fatal flaw. It doesn't come with comments (the ability for readers to leave comments and thereby interact with the blog-keeper). Of course just the matter of having comments is one all too easy to solve. There are a plethora of people out there who provide the comments function, for free as well. Well into the second year of blogging, that has sufficed well enough for me. However, after much perusing about and around, I realized that others, namely those who utilize Movable Type, have a function that allows the recent comments, regardless of the entry it is tied to, to be listed separately, neatly, in a little column. That must come in real handy. I'd never know if someone went through one of my old posts and decided to make a comment. Unless I go through all my posts and check to see if I have any, which is ridiculous.

I am really weighing in on this Movable Type/Blogger thing. With something like Movable Type, I'd have more functions, and more control over the little things, like layout and graphics. But it ultimately costs me money, which is a big negative. I am already paying for an account at to have my photos/images hosted and externally linked. I really do believe that the U.S. is the land of the free. I mean it literally. I want everything for free -- especially since I am a starving student (although the ever increasing measurement of my waist says otherwise) and can't afford many luxuries.

Tonight is my first class for English literature. I think it is from the really early days (i.e. 500 AD?) until the Renaissance literature. I hope it's good.


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