Sunday, June 06, 2004

Recent Films

Recent Films

I love watching movies. I love going to the movies, but there always is a lot of inconveniences to deal with, and for that, I haven't been going to the movies quite so often. First of all, I really can't sit still for two hours in one place. Secondly, the cost of movies have skyrocketed (one place charges $12!), and I can barely afford them (maybe if I skip a meal and walk to the theatres...). Thirdly, more and more films are released, and more and more of them are duds. But thanks to A, I have regained that excitement of going to the movies. It turns out, even when they suck like there's no tomorrow, it can be a good experience when shared with a great person.

I saw Troy. Eh. It was alright. I think A was trying to do me a favor by picking a movie that contains so much eye candy for women to oogle at. Seeing Brad Pitt's butt was alright, but I seriously think that the director/actors/whoever made this picked something that was waaaaay above their league. The Illiad is a masterpiece; you can do it in a fantastic manner, or you can just do terribly. There's no settling for just "good" on this one. You can't! You can either further glorify Homer's epic, or you're just not going to do it justice at all. Perhaps I'm just taking too much of a scholarly approach. After doing a term paper on the Aeneid and the Odyssey, I can't help it. The story line was good, and I really don't see too much of a flaw in the actors involved. I would recommend that you see it without a preimposed impression on what it should be. Don't get any scholarly ideas in your pretty head. Just hand over the money and relax.

Day After Tomorrow. This one, I can say that it isn't worth the time. It's effects of the waves hitting the statue of liberty are more than grandiose. I can if you are one of those computerized effects junkie, you'd love it. The story line was really shady -- it's been compared to Deep Impact by many I know, but most seem to think that it isn't quite as good as Deep Impact. I'm not a disaster movie fan, so I haven't seen that one. I don't mean to give anything away, but the scene with some wolves... what the heck? That just seemed like they tried to hard to incorporate these wolves into the plot, that it didn't seem natural. But seeing Manhattan buried in snow. That was very well done. But pretty much all of it is seen during the television advertisements, and in the previews you see in theatres. If you saw a preview at a theatre before whatever your feature presentation was, you've seen enough. There really isn't much more effects beyond the ones already shown.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This one was good. I do think that the first two (which I saw simultaneously on DVD) are much better. However, the third one does live up to the first two, although it didn't quite reach the expectations. I mean, after the first two, you'd expect it to be as brilliant, but it wasn't as great as I expected. However, it was more than adequate. It could be that because I am a HP fan. The plot reflects what JK Rowling wrote, except some things were a bit confusing. Unless you read between the lines and studied the previous two films, there were some shady points where clarity was missing. A bit of fine tuning was in need, I guess. But it was a good film, worth my time (opportunity costs are quite high especially now, because I am in the midst of final exams!). Enjoyable. A bit darker than the first two.

My thoughts and writing are so incoherent today. Hmm. It could be because it is just Sunday and I'm just a bit worn out. It could also be that I had to write so many essays (some of my final exams were essay exams) and my brain just about had it, or because I have yet another essay to write and I'm dreading it. Ah. Life of the perpetual English major.


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