Sunday, June 13, 2004

A Whole New World

A Whole New World

That is what hangs on one of the walls of my bedroom. I taped it up today, hoping that it would provide some sense of inspiration.

The more expectations you have, the more hopes you have, the more disappointments you'll have. That seems very true to me. Even in times of difficulty, I have always said that if I don't dream and think big, I will never get anywhere; if I dream 200% but end up at 150%, that still would be 50% more than the necessary. The only way that I could get to a 150% would be by shooting for the stars. If you shoot for the stars and miss, it's dissappointing, but not too big of a deal; if you shoot and miss and the sky comes crashing down on you, you just caused chaos -- the primordial chaos.

I've decided to spend another couple of days thinking. Can I truly reach nirvana and cast away all worldly things like a college degree, fabulous job, misc. etc.? If true happiness comes from within and is independent of outside variables -- can I be happy? I really can't be too naive. I need to do some serious, philosophical, deep down thinking.


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