Monday, July 05, 2004

Success Finally

Success Finally

Well, not much success, as a minor accomplishment. I finally succeeded in getting out with my mom and walking/jogging around the neighborhood, as a form of exercise. We originally started sometime last year, and never did it again. Then we started a couple of months back, and realized we both need new pairs of athletic footwear if we are to continue with this. So in June, we finally got some nice comfy shoes, and I nagged and nagged and finally we made it outdoors. We did about 30-40 minutes of walking/jogging, up and down the streets of our neighborhood. I'm beat.

I am now well within the boundries set by the BMI index as normal, but I want to keep exercising. I really wanted to try to stay in that "final exam" mode and get up really early in the morning and get some exercise in before work -- I tried once and it had a completely invigorating effect and made the workday just a bit livelier. Also, I tend to have my brightest moments on the treadmill -- while some people manage to read the Wall Street Journal jogging, I can't -- I am reduced to either staring at one of the television screens blankly, or daydreaming. In some odd but harmonious way, the exertion of my muscles inspires my brain to create a similar amount of output -- if that makes any sense.

In other news, I am finding that there is a certain amount of torment that characterizes a person's mid-twenties. It is not unlike the turmoil of adolescence and the notorious mid-life crisis -- as people approach true "adult" age, they start to feel a sense of frustration, a loss of control, a loss in the sense of direction... I have met several people my age who feel similarly. And this mainly goes for college folks, people of a substantial amount of intelligence and drive. It seems that when college is done, and whether grad school happens or not, somewhere between 23-27/28, there is some time of frustration. It's hard to describe.

I can only say that I have yet to have truly arrived at this point of frustration. It may be tougher for me, as I have never truly experience the wild and crazy rebellion of adolescence, being the prodigal Asian immigrant girl, playing her violin. I've never gone partying or smoking pot or anything that puts a frown on people's faces. I've always been overtly polite and sweet, quiet, and never made a scene. I can sense that I will be facing at least two to three years of turmoil and rebellion and frustration. I feel its arrival and it's coming -- due to arrive very near abouts when I hit the quarter century mark. Intuition? Sixth sense? Whatever it is, I do have an extremely keen sense of things... not to say that I am psychic or anything. (That, by the way, would be extremely cool!)

It really doesn't help either when I heard that there was a science instructor teaching at my school, who is not even a full year older than I am. It's frustrating (key word of the day, I suppose) that other people are moving and I am just static as always. When will I ever play catch up?


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