Monday, August 02, 2004

Mmmm... Food...

Food is wonderful. It is the true source of happiness. I love food.

Having said that, let me also say this. I am using Weight Watchers to gain a sense of control over what I consume. Because at this rate, I'll be eating myself out of house and home. Once I got into it, mentally, I start seeing points for every morsel of food I encounter throughout the day. But it's great -- I manage to get myself feeling satisfied without splurging -- I mean, I had lettuce today! Those of you who know me well know that I'm not a very close friend to the veggies -- I love some of them, but even those I don't eat too often, which is actually one of the things I wanted to fix in my nutrition intake. Normally, Korean people eat pretty healthy; we always have rice with various ban-chan's (side dishes) like kimchi, which are usually made from veggies. But, I eat very little of those dishes, and eat mainly rice and meat (bulgogi, galbi, fish, chicken, cooked in a variety of ways), which is probably as unhealthy as a Big Mac (which, by the way, I love).

So I think this is a good choice for me. I won't get too into it, but I'm getting rather obsessive about points (not obsessive about how many I'm eating, but obsessive about calculating and finding out the nutrion facts label on the food and so on). So when I tried to have some chocolate today -- god bless Hershey -- I couldn't resist the temptation to count the points in it. It wasn't as high as one would expect -- I could probably have it in my daily diet. Four yummilicious blocks of the Hershey's Symphony: Creamy Milk Chocolate with Almonds & Toffee Chipsequals one serving, which is 6 pts. I wasn't craving it too much, so I just wanted one block, (1.5 points, more or less) so I broke off a piece.And that (see left) is what happened. Crap. How many points is that? I think I had learned my lesson, to not be so anal. It doesn't suit me. I had to estimate the points, which left me feeling ikcy. It's definitely more than one block, but also definitely less than two... It looks more than one and half blocks, but not quite one and three quarters... Finally decided that it would count as one and three-fifths of a block, and also decided that my extensive worrying over the number of points on this minute piece of candy has caused me to burn off the number of calories it contains anyways, so doesn't really matter. So I picked up the whole thing, and threw it in my mouth -- no bites, no licks. It was goooooooood. If there is a god, as I have been reading The Bible, I think he forgot something when he took Eden away from Adam and Eve. He forgot to take the chocolate away! I would imagine living in Eden to be just like the feeling you get when you're savoring that mouth-watering, smooth, luxurious, the most sensual piece of chocolate. Chocolate. Better than any recreational drug known to man. Yum.


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