Thursday, July 29, 2004

I'm Getting the Los Angeles Times!

I'm Getting the Los Angeles Times!

I finally subscribed to the LA Times, which is the largest newspaper in the area. The Glendale News Press is really small, and I'm not even sure if they have separate delivery. The Pasadena Star is a much better paper, and even have their own website (which Glendale doesn't have... get with the times yo!), but it feels kinda Benedict Arnold-ish to get the Pasadena Star, and I don't even know if they make deliveries all the way to Glendale.

I need to read more news again, and not just the on-line kind. I absolutely love TIME magazine, and TIME hasn't disappointed me in terms of content, like the LA Times had. When I was a journalism major waaaaaay back when, I thought it would be fabulous to be an editor at the LA Times. So fabulous, it wouldn't have mattered if I was doing sports, editorials, or front page, or whatever. Then I started to get the LA Times, and started not to like it so much. I also got into my first car accident (not my fault) after a trip to the LA Times building in downtown, which was sort of a bad omen.

I still like the NY Times, or at least during the time I've read it, but it's really really much too expensive, and kind of snobby and pompous to be reading the NY Times all the way out here in Glendale. It's kind of like the way I see this guy at the gym that I work out at I used to work out at -- a tall, handsome guy, dark haired, in fantastic shape, on the treadmill, dripping bucketful of sweat and reading the Wall Street Journal. Dude, the print on that is so tiny! How can you read that while jogging, of all things? And this guy is a workout maniac -- his sweat soaks the paper and all, and he's still running, and still reading.

So East Coast newspapers make me feel snobby. If I move to NY, then I'd feel better about getting the NY Times, and will probably even read WSJ. (Oh yeah, it is my dream to live in NY, namely Manhattan, at least for a while.) What was my point again??

So I subscribed to the LA Times. I'm starting service on August 1, and I'm going to get my ass out of bed before my neighbors steal the paper bright and early and read it before I go to work! Yay.


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