Wednesday, September 01, 2004

3AM Snack

There is a reason why I can't shake this weight off.

I just picked up my brother from work (he works at a bar, hence the late hour). He was hungry and asked me to go to our local Jack in the Box (JITB). He ordered the two tacos ($0.99 for two) and two chicken sandwiches ($0.99 each). He inhaled one taco in the car on the way home from JITB (which is about 4 blocks away), and I just could not resist; I demanded that he abdicate his right to the remaining taco. It was one greasy hell of a taco -- and took me all of 2 minutes to devour it. Lovely. Yum. I am going to sleep well tonight -- although it looks like I have just about 5 hours to sleep... that is, if I start NOW!



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