Thursday, September 23, 2004

Witch Hunt

Tonight's episode of The Apprentice consisted of much chaos and a witch hunt. The women's team, Apex, had lost, due to the fact that they went over the budget for the project assigned. However, the PM (Project Manager) was not fired, and the person responsible for surpassing the allotted budget was not fired. Instead, a black woman, Stacie, was fired. The team unanimously voiced their diagnoses of Stacie, that she was crazy. Apparently, she had done something on the first episode that made everyone rather nervous -- some of the contestants claimed that it was the "scariest moment of [their] life." Another called Stacie, to be "bordering on schizophrenia." When the entire team simultaneously clamoured that Stacie was "crazy," Donald Trump said the magic words, "you're fired" to Stacie. And off she went.

I haven't seen the first episode. However, it seemed very Salem Witch Trial, as all were pointing fingers at a person for being crazy. Obviously, the woman owns and runs a restaurant, and she had beat the odds and was found competetive enough to be on the show. As in the second and third (tonight's) episodes, I found myself agreeing with Stacie that the rest of the women were in sort of a sorority attitude -- they were being exclusive, and had very negative attitudes toward her. I'll have to see if I can get a copy of the first episode to see what exactly she had done to scare off her teammates.

In other news, my brother had bought me a scanner -- a much better one than I had expected! It is sleek, ultra-light-weight, and aesthetically pleasing to the extremes. Fashionable silver color. Did some random scanning, and found myself, pleasantly agreeable with my new gadget toy. I have worked on a blog template for my brother involving the anime, Cowboy Bebop -- (and my brother still claims that jazz is stupid) and will have that up and running soon. My brother blogs frequently, but does not share it with the world. His blog is open to a few select friends, and he does nothing to promote it to the WWW public. He forced me to remove the link from my blog! Well, he's still a blog, even if he is a closeted one.

Thank goodness for Friday. I am exhausted! It must be a sign of aging, because I haven't been this tired ever! I'm flabbergasted by my exhaustion. Need sleep now. Goodnight!


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