Friday, October 01, 2004

Haemi is Outraged -- and it's Friday

I am outraged. READ THIS.

Americans! Listen up. Your leaders are the biggest bigots to roam the earth!

How can US diplomats travel to faraway lands to promote equality between genders (i.e. voting rights for women), advocate freedom of speech and right to happiness, and all the rest of the wholesome ideals of the democracy? You can't preach what you don't practice! What makes you think the world is foolish enough to listen and follow a bunch of hypocrites?

How can you call this the land of freedom, the land of free speech, the land of justice and equality, when you kick out people who don't adhere to your biased principles? Tariq Ramadan was outspoken about voicing opinions. He urged people to voice their opinions whatever they may be -- crucial in a democratic nation! And yet his work visa was suspended, revoked, cut off, on the suspicions that he may have ties to terrorists. He is a Muslim, who has denounced terrorism openly, even before the September 11 attacks.

"You should be able to express your own views when you think your government isn't doing something the right way," Ramadan said. "There is a difference between a strong voice and an extremist voice."

You, as an American citizen can strut down the streets proudly without fear. I, as a foreign national, must quietly scurry through, with a hunched back and introverted shoulders, eyes peering in fear, trying to be not seen, and most definitely, not heard. That does not sound like democracy to me.


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