Monday, November 29, 2004

A Word of Thanks

With the splurge of traffic from Blogexplosion, not only did my hits go up, so did my self-esteem! I have to offer a humble word or two of gratitude for all the people who commented on my blog (mostly about design)! I am equally flattered and excited, and I'm even more motivated to keep a good update on my blog, both in layouts as well as in content.

By the way, would anyone like to share their click-rate for their BE banners? I've got two banners on now, and they have a very different rate of clicks! I wonder if it has to do with the attractive/catchiness of the banner, or perhaps it varies between the times that the banner is shown, i.e. Monday vs. Friday and etc. My banner making skills are quite inadequate -- I never made a banner before, and I really haven't found anything inspiring enough. I also found it difficult for me to work within a limited space -- 468 by 60! That's a really small area! But I think my second blog is a GREAT improvement on my first -- first one, where the words, "join my Haemisphere" rotates vertically, was quite sucky. I thought it was great at the beginning, but now that I look at it, it's quite juvenile. But it was a juvenile attempt at a banner, so it's alright.

I am excited by the visibility of my blog. I am still not seeing a lot of people returning to my blog -- it seems that the number of my regular readers have been holding steady. But nevertheless, I am glad that I came across BE.

It has been an extremely busy Monday. But I remembered to bring coffee (we ran out on Saturday!) so life is bearable. Monday is my looooong day, which means I have night class until close to 10PM-ish. Went to bed quite late last night, so I'll be fighting sleep during lecture. It's an exciting class though, but I've gotten a little agressive in the arguments section -- I think I nearly shut down the "Should the 10 commandments be allowed in public buildins" thread. Oh well. I think most of the class is medium-strength Christian (is there such a thing? They're like a medium rare steak kind of Christian), while a select few, including myself, are adament heathens. I mean, I've already been condemned to hell, so that says a lot! I don't really mind though. I know religion is a big topic to get into, and I can't get into that today (it's Mad Mad Monday!), but I'll just say that I'm frequently condemned/banished to hell and given all sorts of yummy cursings. Ok, not frequently -- it's not like I'm the antichrist, but evidently, being a heathen is close enough. Ok, enough Christianity bashing -- the basic rule of thumb is, you don't try to knock down my choice in religion or a my choice to refrain from religion, and I will tolerate yours, whatever it may be. Unless you're some sort of Satan worshipper, because that's just plain bad.


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