Friday, May 07, 2004

Prevent Babies or Kill'em


Plan B, the "Morning-After-Pill" has been shot down by the FDA, in their attempt to go OTC. I'm not an advocate of abortion, but I believe if it has to be done, it has to be done. However, if something like Plan B can ameliorate that situation, by significantly reducing the number of women who falls into that dilemma, we should gopher it. Getting an abortion is not going to be a joyous occasion for any woman. It can even pose a risk to her own life, which includes health risks as well as risks from getting slaughtered by the hands of anti-abortion protesters. If something as simple as Plan B, which obviously is okay to use (since it is available with prescription) can reduce those risks, there is very little reason why we should bar it.

Of course, those wannabe goody goodies who believe that they are upholding the morals of society are against it. I'm assuming mostly men. Going to the gynie is not fabulous. Come on. Putting your feet up in those stirrup things, and exposing your crotch to another human being is an extremely vulnerable thing. And to do that in broad daylight in a fluorescent lit medical office that is friggin' cold as hell? And then to get probed? Whether or not it is uncomfortable, appointments with the gynie should be done every so often, to check for various cancers or possible diseases and such. However, don't make us go an extra time, wasting the time in our workday (thus making us inefficient worker bees), the money, and all that.

Some people don't like the idea that by making Plan B so accessible, we may be sending the message that promiscuity is A-Ok. But people are people, and people will have sex. It may be promiscuous. It may be monogamous. Whatever it is, it is just sex. Same thing with condoms. They used to be so hush-hush and taboo. Why can't you distribute them in front of high schools? Because kids will decide to start having sex since they have condoms? They're having sex already, and like rabbits; they're doing it with or without condoms! Making these things available to people of all backgrounds and ages, will ensure safety among them. Let's say, for example, there is a poor mom, who's having a hard time making ends meet and is busy, running all over the place. She can't just stop her day and go to her gynie, pay for the visit and pay for the pill. Since it is so out of her reach, she may just forgo the whole thing, get pregnant, and voila! There's an even bigger problem on her hands. And to the government's hands, because if she can't support her next child, the government's going to have to. (I'm ruling out abortion, because I really don't like seeing it happen, even in hypothetical situations.)

Over thirty countries have already made it OTC. Of course, that's no reason for us to hop on the bandwagon. But we should definitely reconsider.


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