Friday, August 06, 2004

I Didn't Blog Yesterday?

I didn't blog yesterday. I think that might be my first day-off from blogging in a loooong time! I spent most of yesterday without a computer, as my computer at work was practically dead. Thankfully, there is a computer store next door, and they replaced the power supply and revived it. However, I had to sit in bleak oblivion for most of the workday, hence no blogging. When I got home, I finally decided to do laundry (or was forced to do laundry due to lack of clothes).

I had postponed it so long that I actually did not have clothes to wear to the laundromat. So in the intense heat of August, I went to do the laundry in a matching red velour track suit -- top and bottom. I spent a good half an hour dying from the heat, came home, stripped to my skivvies and stuffed my clothes in the dryer (we have a washer and dryer, but the washer's broken). I spent the evening lounging around, more than half nude -- can you say naked? It was a good feeling, but apparently Nabee did not appreciate my frank attitude about nudity, as I did spend the rest of the evening yelping about, as she nipped my ankles every chance she got.


Yours Truly: ... yeah, I live with my mom, my brother, and my cat. S: Oh, is your cat male or female? YT: Female. S: Is it nice? YT: ...?

I was dumbfounded and at a loss of words. Is my cat nice? My cat's sassy, sometimes sweet, seldom sorry, but always fabulous. I don't think I can describe Nabee as being nice or not nice. She's just a fantastic cat she is, without being held down to the boundaries of niceties. But I felt like I hit a brick wall with that question. Nice?

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
-George W. Bush
(Addressing Pentagon Officials Thursday)

Got it here.

It's always nice to see an honest politician.

I've been nursing my flu symptoms. They haven't blown out, full-fledged into a crazy viral attack, but I'm wary of it getting out of hand. West Nile Virus has struck California, and there's a handful of people who have come down with the virus, and the death toll, I believe, is already two. Or was it three? I did get a mosquito bite a week or so ago...


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