It's 11:45 PM. History exam on chapters 9 through 20 is in approximately 8 and half hours. Chapters read so far is... half of 9. That is NOT a good sign. The author of my history text is rather... dull. The author of my U.S. history book in the 11th grade was exciting -- the writer's last name was Bailey, and was always referred to as Bailey in my class. Now he made the Reconstruction interesting beyond belief! Mr. Nash, you, however -- made a pathetic attempt at scraping money from college students. This book is paperback, and yet costs a fortune, aside from the fact that the writing is as flat as the day-old soda sitting on my desk (from last night). For shame!
But in all seriousness, this book may be boring, but I may be exaggerating also, since I am feeling the angst of being short on time, due to my procrastination. I am not going to read the rest of the chapters. One can't consume the entire 1800's overnight. Yes, that would be my fault. It is this circular reasoning that gets me going round and round! I blame the author for the bland text, then I feel guilty for my harsh words and admit to procrastination (the highest crime for students), then I keep telling myself that I put off the reading because it was so dull. Eek!
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