Saturday, July 24, 2004

Photo Day

Photo Day

Finally got myself in a more photogenic mode. I took a few pictures. I'm no photographer, and I don't pose myself to be one. I just see so much beauty in the world around me, even if it is smoggy LA, and I just try to capture some of it. More often than not, it's not very succesful. But they're still my pictures that I took with my camera. So that alone is reason enough for them to be "ok" photos.

This is a photo of Silverlake, from Silverlake Blvd. Or was it Silverlake Drive? It's really beautiful, but it's probably not a real natural lake, as you can see, it is surrounded by asphalt. My guess is that it probably functions as some sort of water reservoir.

This is a nudie bar -- I think that's obvious. I pass by this place every day after work, because it is conveniently located right next to the I-5 Northbound entrance. I always notice that on weekends, cars are parked -- packed, more like -- bumper to bumper for several blocks around this facility. Must be fun.

This was attached to the counter of the Thai restaurant, Tip's House, where I bought lunch.


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