Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I know it is very boring to go on and on about the fires, but it is really getting ugly. It is as though Hell creeped out of the tectonic plates and consumed California with its raging fires! Of course California has the most heathens, including myself, so it is only right that California goes first in the flames of the Inferno.

I have to come forth with some confessions. To the readers of my blog, albeit just a few, might get the notion that I have a very large vocabulary bank. This is not completely true. Of course, I did pay good attention to all the vocabs taught in all my English classes from the 5th grade to the SAT's and AP's, most of my fabulous words come from Dictionary.com. I search definitions so much that I have it in my favorite links. For example, I almost mis-used the word banter! Sometimes I assume that one word means something, when it actually means another. And of course, we all know what happens when we assume.

The sky is ashy, sun was ashy brown, and even the thin waning crescent moon was a khaki color. I see smoke everywhere, and there is a pungent smell of dry wood being burnt to crisps. It's devastatingly hot. The fires are coming closer and closer to where I live, and although I don't live on the hills and have little worry about having my home burned down, it is still affecting everything that is Southern California. The hot weather has even made my cat tired... her limbs are spread out on my chair, her head lying sideways. She's usually active at this hour, but I think the heat has gotten to her. There are no positives in my life at this moment...


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