Thursday, January 08, 2004

Click here to be sent to the original place. Below is the copy and paste of something I wrote (or a questionaire I answered) in February of 2003. I just re-read it and it's so hilarious -- sometimes I make myself laugh very hard, which is definitely a good thing.

B A S I C Q U E S T I O N S [my name is]: Haemi

[in the morning i am]: Oscar the Grouch [all l i need is]: security. Fresh ground coffee & coffee maker. Also, alcohol, and keep'em coming. [love is]: ethereal. [if i could see one person right now]: Dad. [im afraid of]: Heights. Bugs. War & Terrorism. [i dream about]: More often than not, about being chased. Hunted, more like. H A V E Y O U E V E R . . [been in love]: I really don't know. [drank alcohol]: of course. Still do. Most of my blood is actually alcohol. [lied]: I have a hard time lying. I'm not a good liar. T H I S O R T H A T . . [coke or pepsi]: Coke products. [flowers or candy]: Flowers. [scruff or clean shaven]: Either way. If he's a man, I'll take him! [tall or short]: Again. If he's a man... W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . . . . [what do u notice first?]: the way he presents himself [last person u slow danced with]: It my 21st birthday, with my ex. [worst thing to say]: You're the fattest thing I've ever seen. W H O . . . . . . . . . [makes u laugh the most?]: Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber [makes you smile]: My kitty Cat, Nabee. [gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: All the customers who walk into the store I work in. They make my face turn green and give me butterflies in my stomach -- the way that an object you abhor will do to you. [has a crush on u?]: I doubt that person exists. [easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: Really don't like talking. D O Y O U E V E R . . [sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: Maybe in high school [save aol/aim conversations]: couple of times a while back... now I have this thing that automatically saves everything onto an "aim log." [cry because of someone saying something to u]: No. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never hurt me. H A V E Y O U E V E R [fallen for ur best friend]: yes [been rejected]: yes [rejected someone]: yes [used someone]: they reaped benefits unknownst to them, I swear. [been cheated on]: hopefully no. [done something u regret]: Not too many... W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N [u talked to]: Crystal [hugged]: Crystal(that was in November, 2002. I don't usually hug. It's not my thing.) [u instant messaged]: Trancelegend [u laughed with]: Crystal, about curry and book-uh-gook(??¾î±¹) D O Y O U [color ur hair]: Sssssh!! Everyone thinks this is my real hair color! [ever get off the damn computer]: Only to commute to work and home and school. [habla espanol]: Quiero escribir mi blog en espanol, pero no tengo el poder. H A V E Y O U/ /D O Y O U/ /A R E Y O U [smoke]: pass. [obsessive]: about life [could u live without the computer?]: What a scary notion. [how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: 15 [what's your favorite food?]: Food is my favorite food. [whats ur favorite fruit?]: Korean pears... the really gigantic round kind... [drink alcohol?]: I think this was already asked. [like watching sunrises or sunset]: sure. why not. [what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Physical. I'm strong enough to get over emotions, but have low tolerance for physical pain. [trust others way too easily?]: I don't know. F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S [i want]: Good health for me and my family [i wish]: World Peace and Joy for all mankind -- hey, its MY wish, I'll wish for whatever I want. [i love]: My cat. My family. Crystal. My car. My friends. [i miss]: having a boyfriend. [i fear]: not living upto my own expectations. [i hear]: the comforting low humming of my computer [i wonder]: how long I'll live and what kind of life I'll lead [how do u kno its love?]: There's no sure way. [i am]: Haemi. Nothing more, nothing less.


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