Thursday, October 28, 2004

670th Post

This is my 670th Post. Just thought I should mention that...

I am always surprised at how I kept at it with blogging. I have a high attrition rate -- I like to pick things up and put them down. Cross-stitching, violin, piano, clarinet, aromatherapy candles, learning French (I've been doing that too sporadically to hold onto any French phrases I learn), pilates, and other things. I honestly thought that I'd blog for a while, about two months or so, until I found something else that interested me and I should wane from my blog. But now I'm fairly certain that I will most likely never abandon my blog!

But if I go back and read some of my first posts -- they aren't very reflective of who I am. I didn't write about things that mattered. I originally tried to make this a diary, which to some extent, it still is, but more like a daily log to jot down what I did and what's going on in my life. Well, as it turns out, my life consists of long stretches of mundane-ness, which is only broken into sections by bouts of extreme misfortunes. So writing about my life on a daily basis wouldn't have done much good for my self-esteem and outlook on life.

My brother finally, finally, finally took a good look at my computer. It was filled with dust, but besides that, the fan was not working at all, and my brother said that that heats up the CPU and possibly the CPU can melt! At the current rate, I don't think I'll be doing that NaNo WriMo event. Typing on this so-called "natural" keyboard is just so un-natural. After typing about 200 words, my hands tire out, and it's painful to type. It is not comfortable at all -- I don't see how these people could get away with labeling this keyboard as being ergonomic! I've also had much more typos to deal with. There is no way I'd be typing over a thousand words on this machine. Perhaps I'll take up the challenge in a later month -- perhaps during the long month of January when I won't be in school and will be stuck at work, doing the incredibly boring job I've been doing for the past three years.

But any rate, my computer is being looked at, and I am hoping to have it up and running by mid-November at the very latest, and I'll also have my new laser printer then too. I've decided on the pink iPod Mini -- it is just a matter of building up the enough nerve to place that order. I mean, it's free -- I've earned it through gift cards from work -- but regardless, I am always extremely hesitant to place an order for something so expensive. I just have to calm my nerves long enough to log onto

I've been mildly depressed this week. It is understandable. But I'm not really one to sulk for too long -- I get tired of that rather quickly as well, just like how I got tired of cross-stitching and blowing on the clarinet. To pick up my mood, I cleaned my room. I cleaned my bathroom as well, and now the bathroom floor is hairless! I am about halfway through cleaning my desk, which is always the most difficult and time-consuming. But it feels good to finally be able to see what color my carpet is.

Last night, I finished "The Other Boleyn Girl." I don't want to ruin the ending for anyone, but Anne Boleyn DIES. She is beheaded. I hope I didn't discourage anyone from reading it (I am joking, of course). Just started on "Fast Food Nation" which I will read along with "The Moor's Last Sigh" (it is my ultimate goal to finish this in 2004). And of course I have to read textbooks for classes, and Henry V by Shakespeare. I've been doing a lot of additional reading about the English monarchy. It's not as long as one would think. The power struggle between the different houses of royalty is actually quite interesting to read about!

I am also close to finishing The Da Vinci Code which I absolutely love, and I am going to buy a copy in Korean for my mother to read. It's so fascinating, and I'm not even a mystery fan! And it involves a lot of art and religion, both which are excellent fields to know more about. After The Da Vinci Code I may have to read Holy Blood, Holy Grail which is supposed to have been a best seller quite a few years ago. Also, Dan Brown's other best seller, Angels & Demons should be interesting to read.

I also attended an information session at the nursing department at my current school this morning. It wasn't too informative -- after all, I am a candidate applying for her fourth time! Not much of the information is new to me. I am still holding out on the verdict of the application situations -- there are two applications yet to be due, and Glendale Community College acceptance/rejection letters will be sent out next Friday. I can still hope, although now, I am ready to receive a crucial blow and still remain sane.


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