Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I had a calculus exam on Tuesday. I didn't study a whole lot. I think I did alright. I didn't go to school today, because of two reasons: 1. I couldn't get up early enough... I don't know. Maybe it's the sudden change in the weather, you know from mild to scorching HOT. I am just so groggy and tired these days. 2. I didn't do my homework from last night or the night before... Valid reasons, no? I believe that I got a B on the first exam. There was seven questions, and I couldn't answer one. I don't know if the other six were answered correctly... but I think with partial credits and what-nots, it should amount to a B. I just sold a phone to an elderly gentleman, and did my best to explain to him everything he needs to know as a first time cell phone user. I felt good. That's almost like volunteering to help the elderly. Geriatic care or whatever. Anyways. Bye.