Saturday, May 22, 2004

Why I'm Never Having Kids

Why I'm Never Having Kids

My sentiments Exactly!

I've heard horror stories about going into labor. Oh, da horrah, da horrah! Having your baby's first poop be inside your body. Yuck. I have a low tolerance for pain, and unlike the emotional/psychological kind, physical pain is just plain hard to block out. If I do decide that I want any rascals, I'm adopting. Or just sticking to furry pets. Nabee, in a way is my child. She's usually a disconnected teenager. Every time I hold her, she looks at me like, "You're ruining my life!" But then when I feed her, she chows down. Kids.

Google Thyself

Google Thyself

I'm sure many of us have Googled ourselves, as have I. It's interesting how your name pops up in different places. Since I go by different names, I had to Google myself multiple times -- wickedly fun! The word 'Haemi' will first bring up a Korean-American children's book author, Haemi Balgassi. Second is yours truly. Then there's something about 'New York City: Asian Mistress Haemi, asian fetish model...' and also about some castle named Haemi in Korea. I guess the name Haemi covers a spectrum of things. I always thought I'd be one of the very few girls named Haemi, as it isn't too common in Korea. But I thought wrong! Apparently, it makes for a good show name for an asian fetish model. Go figure.

Random Tidbits

Random Tidbits

Do Penis Enlargement Pills Work? (Not Work-Safe)

What the heck? This just ties in so well to the SPAM I've been getting.

Some Users to Auctioneer: Bring Back My Old Ebay

Yeah. Ebay changed their "My Ebay" section... When Blogger changed, I was able to navigate better, and it also had a bundle of new (and neat) features that gave me more blog power. Yes, it did take time to get used to the new design, but it was easy and effortless. However, eBay's reorganization doesn't seem to be because of new tools for users. It just seemed like they were bored looking at the same layout, and voila! But it's not that great -- I really don't see the point of changing all that, except possibly to annoy. But it's not that difficult to get around. It's pretty easy in fact. I just don't see why they had to make such layout changes when the old one sufficed; it isn't as though they put in new things that ultimately had to lead to a layout alteration. If there are new things... well, I didn't notice. If an eBay geek like me doesn't appreciate it, I know not many will either. So take that and smoke it in your pipe.

Vicky's Semi-Annual Sale

Vicky's Semi-Annual Sale

Yay! It's here! If there's two things I can never get enough of, they're shoes and undies. No matter how down I am, buying a pair of shoes or a pair of panties just uplifts my mood big time. Perhaps something about them coming in pairs...

Friday, May 21, 2004

Can Anyone Say 'Dysfunctional?'

Can Anyone Say 'Dysfunctional?'

Transsexual Hopes for Baby

Jeez. I can just see the cost for that baby's future therapy sessions. "I've got two moms, who are lesbians, but one of them is actually a transsexual, a man who froze his sperm before he underwent surgery, so is in fact my biological father and adopted mother as well. They flew from Britain to the US to screen me to make sure that I'd be born a girl." Gosh. And that woman/ex-man! He was a man who wanted to be a lesbian woman? I always try my best to be tolerant and respectful, but some things, I just gotta see it to believe it.

Google Key Words

Google Key Words

There are constantly new ways people are coming up with my blog through (most likely unintentional). It continues to fascinate me. Here's s'more where they came from:

woman captive in iraq
wearing my new glasses
xanga blog skins
san sa choon
english major's reading list
barunson basics true life
creating skins for xanga
genuine stradivarius violin serial number
lyrics where did i go wrong barbara streisand
phantages theater los angeles
tanning pale koreans
korean bakeries
what kind of boobs do you have quiz
how orange makes people feel in the autumn
koreans with colored eyes
xanga blog skins
xanga blog skins
statcounter is
robert cauer, los angeles, california

My favorite of the day is: how orange makes people feel int he autumn. How poetic is that?

Web-Color Made Easy

Web-Color Made Easy

Now there's never a worry about your blog mis-matching. Yep, lets you pick one color, and give you 5 perfectly matching colors, so when you decide to make your own blog, you can make things different colored, yet complement each other. Back in the day, I used to use just one shade -- i.e. bright yellow, mild yellow, orangy yellow, or purple, pinkish purple, lavendar (a certain purply blog template comes to mind). Now I can not only prevent that web design faux pas, I can do it effortlessly too!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

For the Last Time...

For the Last Time...

For the last time people! Listen up! I do not need viagra or xanax. I do not need a penis enlargement! I don't want my non-existent penis to be 9 inches long. I never ordered prescription medication. I don't want to save money. I don't want ink toners. I don't want to satisfy anyone other than myself at the moment, thank you very much! And I'm not too interested in lesbian porn at the moment either. Stop bombarding my e-mail box with these nonsense! (Shaking fist in air...)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Film deal for 'Baghdad blogger'

Film deal for 'Baghdad blogger'

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Film | Film deal for 'Baghdad blogger'

This must be every blogger's dream come true!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

The Thing About Socks

The Thing About Socks

My cat is overall a cappucino colored cat, with dark chocolate ears and tail. Her feet and lower portions of her legs, however, are snow white. She looks like she's wearing a nice set of white boots, or actually, two very clean pairs of socks.

Unlike Nabee, I don't generally wear socks. Many people find my repulsion to socks ridiculous, however, it is very serious to me. My feet and toes were born free. They should be free. Socks are different from other articles of clothing, in that they are extremely restrictive. One day I will post a photograph of my feet. My toes sit apart, each with a cusion of privacy between them. They don't run amok together, smooshed, overlapping one another like many other toes on other people are. My toes have freedom and independence. Socks, by binding them and confining them, are oppressive.

The same goes for closed in shoes. How is one supposed to breathe in that sort of environment? And my feet are so pretty (one of my best features). It is a shame that they should spend so much time cooped up inside. Thankfully, I live in SoCal, and I usually never really have to wear socks or shoes. Just when I go the gym, but that's a minor discomfort.

When I went to visit my friend in Iowa for Thanks Giving one year (it was already snowing by that time -- I was trapped at O'Hare airport for 10 hours, snowed in!) it was one of the most challenging aspects of traveling. At the time, I realized that I only had three pairs of socks, which I rotated each time I hit the gym. I had to go borrow my friend's. Now I make sure that I have more than just three pairs, but still, I do not force such imperialistic garments on my feet. That's like imposing a straitjacket for them!

By my odd-ball rambling about a topic as mundane as socks, I hope you figured it out; I have an essay due tomorrow and another essay due the next day. I'm just aching for more excuses to procrastinate, but I guess it's really about time I should get started. It's a shame that I've been reduced to writing papers the night before they're due. That's like learning the Lamaze the night before your baby's due. Ah well.

Why am I feeling like I'm being dragged behind a powerful SUV, tied with a noose around my neck?

I just could not stop laughing. Well, y'all know that I have a profile posted at, just in case my knight in shining armor was an internet geek such as myself. Well, they've recently added more features to aid in your search for that soulmate -- namely, the physical attraction test. Here's part of my result:

Very Picky: It's official: You're "picky." The fact is you are drawn to the most handsome of the handsome. You know what you like in men and are more selective than most women your age. Your tastes seem instinctual. You'd make a great casting agent, because you have a good eye for men who have "star quality." In real life, your high standards may be an obstacle for you. It's hard to find a man with the strong features you like, who's also well-rounded in other ways. Still, you know the importance of a real physical "spark" in a relationship, and aren't willing (or able) to settle for less. The challenge is finding a man who really wows you physically, even if he's not the most handsome man in the room.

Ok. So I'm picky. But the sample photos of men they were showing were just a hideous batch! I could not believe that these were actual human beings! Some of them just looked like photoshop gone wrong. Almost alien, martian, if you will, in proportions. And such gaping smiles! Eek. I could not stop laughing as I had to weed out the attractive from the unattractive. They were one hilarious looking batch of people.

I did gain, besides the uncontrollable laughter, a new awareness of what my ideal (at least physically) man is like. He is blue-eyed, for one thing -- it turns out that about half the men I've designated as attractive had blue eyes, although I didn't even notice. I guess it's the workings of my subconscious. Also, while I always thought that I preferred blondes over brunettes (see? It's not just gentlemen who prefer blondes...) but I chose no blonde men as attractive. All the men I chose as attractive had dark brown hair.

This test, is biased. There were no red-headed men. It also made me racist, because I didn't choose any Asian, African American/Black, Latino men as attractive. Well, that's just my physical preference, isn't it? Although I could have sworn that I chose this rather distinguished African American gentleman with glasses as attractive. One of the picture picking activities was: "Imagine these are the last 5 men on earth. Pick one that you could tolerate best." I mean, what the heck is that??? I'd rather not check out guys with the mindset "hey, if he was the last man on earth, would I consummate with him to reproduce the species?... nah.."

So what did my ideal hunk look like? An actual hunk. The funny thing is, all the men I've dated in the past are below average, in regards to their physical attributes. Obviously I am not that picky if I dated them. I'm not being harsh, because my best friend, who has very generous standards of male beauty (she basically finds almost all guys cute), has also denounced my exes as less than the average man. In more ways than just physical, of course. That's why they no longer date me. Or rather, I no longer date them.

I'd be interested to hear what the male's version of this test has to offer.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Sage Wasabi

The Sage Wasabi -- Coming Soon

As I've said numerous times, I have been contemplating on setting up a new blog that I would keep solely for writing purposes. Not that I don't do enough writing on this blog, but I wanted a blog where I'll write more constructively, about concrete things like literary criticism or political editorial, or perhaps fiction, although that's not too likely. I had set one up with Blogger more than a month ago, but I didn't like where I put it (in reference to URL). Of course, since I am using blogger for free, I only get a subdomain of, but even that, I wanted something that felt good to me.

First I went through a series of play-on-words using wordsmith. That is my address at Gmail, and since I work with words to make blocks of texts, I figured I could be called a wordsmith. Then I felt very vain. So I went through an alcoholic state, jumping from alcohol to alcohol, and finally landing on midori sour, which is one of my favorite alcoholic beverages. But then, naming my blog after an alcohol didn't sound right. Prohibition kicked in, and I did some quality thinking.

I wanted something that was a statement on its own. I wanted something .... something that would provoke an "Eureka!" So I began thinking... and I eventually got hungry and started thinking of sushi. One of the best parts of eating sushi and sashimi is the wasabi. It's a zing. It's a zap. It's green, it looks like clay, but even a tiny dosage can make your nose feel like a bee stung it and make your eyes well up with hot tears. It's spicy but not like a jalapeno. It's got character. But I couldn't just call my blog a wasabi. It needed an adjective to make it unique-r. I thought about super wasabi and then strong wasabi, and it just hit me: Sage Wasabi.

Sage is one of my fav words. And I know to y'all it sounds odd, but "sage wasabi" sounds like yin and yang just came together. I want to convey some wisdom through my writings -- I also want to cause a commotion -- cause a zing and a zap. And what's better than wasabi? It can make a grown man cry! It would also symbolize my hopes to move people to tears with my writing. (Of course I wouldn't subject readers to some sappy tragic romance, because that's just not my thing.) I hope that doesn't sound too vain. It's just an earnest hope that my writing skills would grow.

So there you have it. The Sage Wasabi. Coming soon to a blog near you. Expected launch date is set whenever this thing with the nursing department and immigration is settled -- I'm thinking Late Junish. (Yes, it is a lot of hype for something so small that's coming so far off. But like I said, I want to cause a commotion...)

The Art of War

The Art of War

I read this book on and off. It's a book that you just can't consume in one sitting, no matter how great a reader you are. You have to take pieces, a day at a time, sort of like Dalai Lama's books. You have to read a bit and let it sink in, and see how each idea applies to daily life. So here's today's bit of The Art of War.

There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.
--Sun Tzu
I wasn't thrilled, but accepted the war. If there was a slight chance that Saddam had WMD, it was enough to go to war. But more than a year later, there's no WMD, Saddam's been caught, Iraq's still arid and grim as Mordar, our young soldiers are getting tainted and viewed in a negative fashion, the president's lost a chunk of his integrity, and even Wall Street doesn't look too great. It's time to bring the soldiers home.

So what's all this about moving soldiers from S. Korea to Iraq? We all know N. Korea's actually got stuff to make WMD's. Someone needs to get their priorities straight.

Should I Become Canadian?

Should I Become Canadian?

Mr. Crawford Kilian over at Writing for the Web has suggested a Plan C for me, in regards to my immigration situation. Being Canadian, he recommended moving to Canada in case all else fails.

So my question would be, is anyone familiar with the immigration process in Canada? I know a little -- but being an uptight person who wants complete details on everything and anything, I need to do more research. The number of points to qualify for Canada immigration has been reduced to 67 points last fall, from a previously 75 points (out of 100 points). It includes things like the amount of education, if applicant is fluent in English and/or French, if they have adequate work experience (basically have adequate skills to contribute to society and work as a functional member) and so on. It's a more logical system than say -- a lottery. Lottery, which I absolutely abhor, since all the nursing programs in the area have been implementing a lottery to select nursing students from the applicant pool, and I, not being lucky enough, was never selected. US holds a greencard lottery too, which I despise.

I'm getting off track again. If such unfortunate turn of events happen that I am forced to leave my home of 16+ years, I would consider it. If possible, I would delay leaving until I grab hold of a RN license -- it would be a valuable skill that would be appreciated in most parts of the English speaking world -- Australia, Canada, the UK, etc. I'm just doing research for now, just in case.

In a thing like this that is life-altering, you can't just settle with a Plan B as back up. You're going to need a Plan C and a Plan D and possibly Plan E as well -- and I'm going to go through this with more than adequate preparation. As D-day (not certain when this day is, except that it looms closer than ever, i.e. June 2004) approaches so close, I'm going to need all the good fortune I can get.

I saw that quite a few people had accessed my blog I wanted to know what it was, so I went there, but it has no link showing what this website is! So I did the only reasonable thing to do -- I googled it. It turns out that you can view various websites that are banned (as Typepad is in China) through it! It's a great news for those whose freedom of speech and rights to view what they want are restricted (as in China). Where there's a will, there's a way...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Haemi-Sphere v.8.5

Haemi-Sphere v.8.5

Haemi-Sphere comes to you in a two-clumn format and larger font size! Some alignments on the left column are kind of weird -- I'll get around to fixing that. Of course, I was doing all this when I really should have gotten around to a certain essay I am dreading to write. I know I'll write a mammoth paper of 2000 words when maximum 750 is allowed. Grrreat~ I'll be up pulling an all-nighter tomorrow!

Blogger's New Features!

Blogger's New Features!

I have put to use some of Blogger's new features, such as the profile, recent posts, and comments (provided by blogger, rather than my previous haloscan). I hope they won't cause trouble for anyone viewing. For the time being, I will have both the commenting service from blogger and haloscan, because I'd like to use blogger, but I want to get myself weaned off of haloscan rather than plunge into blogger's. It may not work, or it may not be the ideal solution for me. So we'll see. The page looks a bit cluttered, but oh well.